The future of every child begins with an education



Additional Facts

Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Maternal and infant mortality rates are among the highest in the world, and malnutrition rates are very high.

According to UNICEF, 80% of the population lives in poverty and 48% in absolute poverty. Out of that 80%, 60% are children under the age of 10, and an illiteracy rate that stands at 48%.


Although public education is free, private and parochial schools provide around 88% of educational programs offered, and less than 65% of those eligible for primary education are actually enrolled. At the secondary level, the figure drops to 15%. Only 63% of those enrolled will complete primary school.

Though Haitians place a high value on education, few can afford to send their children to secondary school.


These statistics are amongst the many realities that drives the Helping Hands Across the Ocean’s mission which is to contribute towards education in hope of a changed narrative of Haiti.

Your contribution counts towards this changed of narrative!